OGBUNIGWE (The Trailer)
Ogbunigwe is a poetic documentary of the abandoned heroes of the Biafran war whose war efforts and memory is being condemned to the ogreish jaws of oblivion.
The Igbo poet and soloist, Amarachi Attamah, known for her penchant in excavating forgotten history, locates these veterans who are now street beggars, haven being chased out from relief centres and dumped at some unwholesome place around Oji River.
In this documentary, Amarachi takes us up on the question of how we treat our heroes, especially now that the Biafra agitation has returned to the front burners.
Watch out for this engaging work as it is set to hit the internet through the stables of Nwadioramma TV on YouTube on the 25th of May, 2020.
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About Amarachi Attamah

Amarachi C. Attamah, is a Performance Poet, a Broadcaster, a Festival Manager and a strong passionate voice in the sustainability of Igbo language speaking and good cultural heritage through her speaking and performing engagements for which she gave up her job as a presenter with the Enugu State Broadcasting Service to pursue full-time. She is the founder of ỌJA Cultural Development Initiative; organizers of the ỌJA Cultural Festival. She is also the Executive Director of Nwadioramma Concept; the umbrella housing her creative business concepts.
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[…] Find More Informations here: ngigareview.com/2020/05/ogbunigwe-a-trailer-documentary-of-the-biafran-war-by-amarachi-atama/ […]