Sometimes gratitude can be the most difficult thing to express. Most times you don’t know where to start, where to stop, how far to go. Sometimes ‘Thank you’ is enough other time it is not. Therefore no matter how short this comes, bear with us.
To our readers, whose hunger scare and confound us, we promise to decorate starvation with colors the rainbow is yet to discover. To our subscribers who have sworn to never part with us. Just know we dream of you and the spaces you help us fill. To our Stumblers –strangers with faces that smell of a familiar place, who land on our space and forget to leave, we promise to harvest more lotus for you. To our Bookmarkers, who tuck us safely in their net-pockets just to get home and savour us –selfishly. We hold you dearly too. To our contributors who on daily basis never fail to keep with us a part of them, we cherish each limb you give us.
And yes most importantly…to those whose timelines we flood, WhatsApp status we hijack with road maps to our home. Thank you for visiting.
And lastly, to family. Cheers to our resilience in this fight for our space.
From Ngiga to all, we say a big thank You for making 2018 pleasurable and A HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU
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